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Following the previous phase of the Opening the Archives Project, a team of technicians and students, led by Professors Sidnei J. Munhoz and James N. Green, digitized and indexed US diplomacy documents about Brazil from 1908 to 1963. These activities are the result of a partnership between Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Brown University, the National Archives (EUA) and the Arquivo Nacional (Brasil). Presently, the Project is also getting the cooperation of Universidade Estadual de Londrina and Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. In this stage, it is expected the publication of about 300 thousand pages of documents from the Department of State collection on Brazil, filed in the National Archives and Records Administration (Nara). The digitization process was undertaken using Nara’s microfilm collection. The Project coordinators thank Finep, Capes and CNPq suport, which have enabled this task in different ways and times.


The collection contains tens of thousands of documents on several moments of Brazil’s History and on its relations with the US. This content altogether provides a rich source of information about the impacts of the 1929 crisis in Brazil, the rise of Getúlio Vargas to office in 1930, the Brazilian participation in World War II, Vargas’ deposition in 1945, the post-war period, the crisis which led to Vargas’ suicide in 1954 and Jânio Quadro’s election and renunciation. Besides the large amount of documents related to the crisis that followed Jânio’s renunciation, there are also a vast material on the tough years of the João Goulart administration. There are still some gaps on the collection, such as the lack of documents referred to the period between 1940 and 1944. Although, the coordinators hope to fill it shortly. It is important to point out that the records are being published in a regressive timeline, which goes from the present to the past. Therefore, the oldest documents will be published last.

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